Supplementing Behavioral Health

Talk therapy can be a necessary part of our healing journeys; to be able to process deep emotions and practice non-judgmental language is a crucial tool. But there is often a piece of the puzzle that is missing: the way you communicate with your body. Using the power of the Vagus Nerve (the cranial nerve that plays a major role in regulating the autonomic nervous system), Tara’s methodologies work to strengthen and integrate the neural pathways that contribute to emotional regulation and control. With these manual techniques and energy kinesiology principles, Tara is able to tap into your body’s innate abilities to heal itself. The process is simple: give the body what it is asking for… Movement and Touch. 


Tara has direct experience, hands-on training, and knowledge in the following:

The Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI®)

MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration (32 hours)

MNRI® NeuroTactile Integration (16 hours)

MNRI® Archetype Movement Integration (24 hours)

MNRI® Oral-Facial Reflex Integration Level 1 (24 hours)

MNRI® Proprioceptive and Cognitive Integration (16 hours)

Touch For Health Kinesiology

TFH Level 1 & 2 (16 hours)

Advanced Healing Arts

Soul Coaching/Soul Retrieval Certification (48 hours)

Sessions & Offerings


Bodywork Session - Adult


Specifically for adults who are looking for a quick upgrade or who want a taste of MNRI and somatic bodywork. Located at Wellness Therapies Spokane in the heart of downtown at the Paulsen Center. Includes 50 min of bodywork and 10-15 minutes of integration and exercises to practice at home to continue the re-patterning.

60 min | $122* | Book Now


Soul Coaching with Soul Retrieval


Receive mentorship through re-integration of emotions that are related to old stories/traumas from your childhood/past, past lives, ancestral soul contracts. Using heart math meditations and Shamanic principles, Tara will guide your soul home through these more brain-focused sessions.

60-75 Min. | $88* | Book Now


Bodywork Session - Pediatric


In-person; specifically for children who experience dys-regulation, speech/communication delays, or sensory processing difficulties (who have already received some kind of mental health support or occupational therapy)

50-60 mins | $88* | Book Now

* All options are available for sliding scales or payment plans for the right person. Please email me if you are unable to afford the services in full at this time, but are seeking support. You. are. worthy. of healing and feeling safe in your body.



Regulate & Restore: 12 -Week Package


Tara’s work has the most impact and effectiveness when we can re-wire your dysfunctional reflex system across at least 4 sessions. Additionally, changing the thoughts and stories behind these emotions can be the most effective and best supplementary work for helping to re-parent yourself AND re-pattern for life. Receive 12 weeks of support that includes 3 soul coaching with soul retrieval sessions, 6 bodywork sessions, and 3 integration sessions.

60 mins x 12 sessions | $1,111* | Contact Tara to Get Scheduled

Ground: 4 - Session Package


Tara’s work has the most impact and effectiveness when we can re-wire your dysfunctional reflex system across at least 4 sessions. This option is for those looking for a grounding upgrade focusing solely on the body and our nervous system responses.

60 mins x 4 sessions | $444* | Contact Tara to Get Scheduled